We're a workflow automation company with the mission is to empower everyone to operate from their genius zones. We do this by bringing a technology layer to manual workflows that can't be automated with traditional tools.
MORE ABOUT BardeenThe world's most complex projects such as the International Space Station are all powered by engineering systems. What if we could use engineering principles to live out dream lives?
Lifestyle Engineering is a mindset to reach deeper levels of self awareness and architect the type of life that's in integrity with your mission and essence.
I've built an LE mastermind community and 3 coliving houses around the world. I am currently writing a book about finding what you love and building a badass life around it.
bring innovative ideas that change the way people think about marketing, leadership, business and life as a whole. My marketing philosophy revolves around understanding your customers profoundly, crafting messages that they resonate with, and engineering products that people love. I also encourage companies to lead with mission and make employees their most valued asset.
The odds are what you are looking to accomplish has been done before. People have deconstructed what works. Now you can go figure everything out yourself and spend time, money & energy. Or you could leverage existing expertise and focus on doing what you love.
I bring expertise in digital marketing that scales companies to 7-fig and in building brands for thought leaders & companies to win.
Drop me a message, if anything you've read stuck with you. If you share my mission and want to contribute, I'd love to hear it! Check out the work I do for collaboration ideas.